Saturday 29 December 2012


Brook Cottage Books has only been in existence since 1st December 2012 and I am thrilled to have been awarded a BLOG OF THE YEAR award by those lovely talented lot over at This has really made my Christmas and New Year! Thank you so much. There's not much time left to nominate for this year but here are the rules:

Trying to narrow down the blogs I love was so difficult and it literally took me ages. There are so many wonderful bloggers out there. However, the 6 blogs I have nominated have been chosen because of the wonderful work they do to bring the world of books to so many people. Their committment to promoting wonderful books and authors is outstanding. So, as well as nominating them I am giving them a virtual high five!
So, without further ado (Drum roll please) the 6 bloggers I'd like to nominate for their wonderful blogs are -
1. Select the blog(s) you think deserve the ‘Blog of the Year 2012? Award.
2. Write a blog post and tell us about the blog(s) you have chosen – and ‘present’ them with their award.
3. Please include a link back to this page Blog of the Year 2012 Award – and include these ‘rules’ in your post (please don’t alter the rules or the badges!)
4. Let the blog(s) you have chosen know that you have given them this award and share the ‘rules’ with them.
5. You can now also join the Facebook group.
6. As a winner of the award — please add a link back to the blog that presented you with the award — and then proudly display the award on your blog and sidebar … and start collecting stars… Unlike other awards which you can only add to your blog once — this award is different!
When you begin you will receive the ’1 star’ award — and every time you are given the award by another blog — you can add another star! There are a total of 6 stars to collect.
Which means that you can check out your favourite blogs – and even if they have already been given the award by someone else – you can still bestow it on them again and help them to reach the maximum 6 stars!


  1. Oh wow - congratulations on your Blog of the Year 2012 Award and I'm thrilled thrilled thrilled to have my blog on your forwarding list JB. Thank you very much and Happy New Year!

    Love, Janice x

  2. Congrats and thank you for passing this on.

    I did pass this award to you a couple of days ago but being Dizzy forgot to let you know.


  3. Thanks guys. Happy New year to you too. x

  4. OoohMGosh! What a lovely surprise! Huge CONGRATS, JB! Really well-deserved. You've worked hard on your fab new site - and continue to work hard sharing books through excellent reviews with readers. THANK YOU! That's what books are for, reading and sharing. Thank you, too, for nominating little old me! I tend to label myself blogalot - of rubbish. Really thrilled! It certainly gives me impetus to get on a put myself about a bit more in the New Year. In the most respectable way, of course! ;) Have a good one, JB!

  5. congratulations, Jontybabe. And I wish you and yours a very happy new year.


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