Tuesday 11 December 2012

Warrant For Love by Sheryl Browne

Continuing the book tour with Sheryl Browne today with a review of her book Warrant for Love. I hope you all enjoyed yesterday's post , reading an excerpt from the book and finding out a little bit more about the talented Ms Browne! I hope you like the review of the book just as much.
Take 3 lovely ladies - Leeanne, Jade and Nicky. Leeanne is very unlucky in love having the odious Richard in her life. He knocks her self-confidence, he spends her money and treats her pretty shabbily. Just when Leeanne thinks things can't get worse, those tell-tale footprints on Richards car windscreen alert her to the fact that snake in the grass Richard has been doing more than just driving in his car! And, just when Leeanne thinks can't get any more complicated, they do! Cue the lovely PC Davis, the 'white knight in blue,' to make Leeanne go weak at the knees and infuriate her all at the same time.
Nicky is having problems at home. Her marriage is on the rocks and all lines of communication are well and truly down! Battle lines are drawn and her marriage becomes a war zone. Having 3 kids and an opinionated mother in law doesn't help either. But, determined to be a good sister to Leeanne, Nicky drops everything to help Leeanne over yet another broken heart.
Jade, the ice queen, is a strong, sophisticated woman and a ruthless lover. Despite all that, she would walk on hot coals for her two friends Leanne and Nicky. Determined to help Leeanne extract sleazeball Richard from his ill-gotten gains, she attempts to come up with a plan to help with this. However, is there someone that can melt Jade's heart? Will she break her own relationship rules?
This is the second of Sheryl's books I have read, the first being Somebody to Love (keep an eye out on the blog diary for that review). I loved it so much I didn't think Sheryl could top it! But, with Warrant for Love, she has again proven herself to be a fantastic writer. You just can't help falling in love with our boy in blue, PC Davis. He sounds absolutely divine! He has a chequered past that adds to his bad boy come good character. He certainly had me swooning! All of the characters have wonderful, interesting personalities and this certainly lends to the dynamics of the book.
This is a great story that will make you mad, happy, sad and go awwwwwwww all rolled into one! Sheryl Browne has managed to take the stories of the 3 female lead characters and make them all merge and fit together wonderfully. The three all have a common theme - a history of terrible or failing relationships! There are plenty of laugh out loud moments within the book and lots of frustrating ones too when you would love to bang everyone's heads together! And, move over Mr Grey but the men in this book made my toes curl! Ohhh la la. Helloooooooo boys! 

 The situations that the characters get themselves into made me laugh so hard as I was able to picture the scenes so clearly! Bravo to Sheryl Browne for yet another fantastic romantic comedy!
The book is available in both paperback and e-book formats.



  1. Oh, Jonty JB!! You lovely lovey angel you! You just made me laugh out loud! 'Ohhh la la. Helloooooooo boys!' I LOVE it! I worked sooooo hard on this book. I do not lie when I say I slept with it(!) when it once came so close, only to get rejected. And now it has a home and lovely, fab reviewers, like YOU, getting it and loving it! THANK YOU!!! My abysmal start to the day has just paled away. :) xxxx YeessSSS!

  2. Great review really loking forward to reading Sheryl's books in the future :)

  3. Great review and sounds like a great book

  4. Thanks Sheryl, glad you liked the review. It was a great book! I love the way you describe certain scenarios within the book. Hilarious!!

    Nikki and Chris, it is a fantastic book! Well worth a read!

  5. Loved this book.

  6. Sheryl is such a cleverly funny and emotive writer. I can't wait to read this one!

    Love Janice xx

  7. I enjoy romantic comedy but Sheryl Browne is not an author I have had the pleasure of reading yet.

  8. I loved Sheryl's Somebody to Love and this review has elevated Warrant for Love even higher up on my TBR pile!

    Way to go ladies.

  9. Not much longer, Jonty, and you'll be able to read A Little Bit of Madness as well! There's another lovely white knight in blue - I think you'll love that one as well!
    Wonderful review, thank you so much for it!

  10. Loved Learning to Love & recommended to friends who loved it just as much!

    Julia x


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