Thursday 27 June 2013

Ceri's Journey : Angels by Linn B Halton

Ceri can see Angels. They appear to give her warnings so that she can help other people. Although Ceri has been able to help many people, she is resentful of how her premonitions have impacted on her personal life. Whilst Ceri is saving other people her love life has suffered as a consequence. There are few people she trusts to share her secret and she is feeling alone and isolated.  Ceri is a twin and finds it incredible that her twin brother Seb neither shares her gift nor tries to understand it.  Ceri struggles with trusting someone close to her and telling them about the burden she carries.  What does life hold for Ceri and are things spiralling out of control for her?
Having read Linn B Halton’s book Never Alone, I was thrilled to be offered the opportunity to read Ceri’s Journey.  The subject matter interests me greatly and I was not disappointed with this great little book which I devoured in one sitting.  Linn B Halton has created such interesting characters and I love the way they develop throughout the course of the book.  The reader feels Ceri’s frustration about not being able to change the course of her own life when she has a hand in changing the destiny of others.  I can highly recommend this book for those of you who love a good paranormal romance. The book ended on a cliff-hanger and has me desperate for the next book. I just didn’t want it to end! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – Linn B Halton is a fantastic writer and her writing style will have you hooked from page one.

Introducing Ceri's journey: Angels – a psychic romance
Release party on Loveahappyending Lifestyle emag July 6th, 2013
This is a three-part series (each book is a novella of around 30,000 words in length - Angels, Truth and Decisions) and it follows Ceri's journey - her love story with the sensitive and loving Alex. I have written a couple of novels now that feature life after death, the ‘other’ side and each time I like to think I’ve sparked some very different questions. In Ceri’s journey it’s all about the detail of how it works when angels experience life on earth. Angels are only in heaven, right? But what if there are rare occasions when they are called here to carry out a specific task?
It’s been a surreal time spending my days trying to figure out the why, what, when and how of life as an angel. Snapping back into my regular wife and mom role isn’t always easy. It’s a bit like having to come back down to earth, as after a long day of writing I then have to write shopping lists and think about the ironing. In truth, once you have a work-in-progress (I’m half-way through the second novella, Truth, at the moment) it never leaves you. Even after you go to bed you find yourself jumping up in the middle of the night and having to jot down an idea that pops into your head. It’s all in a day’s work for a writer .....
But let's start the very beginning... with Ceri's journey: Angels, the release party will be featured on Loveahappyending Lifestyle emag on July 6th, 2013.
Pop over to on that day for details of how to win an angel all of your very own!
Ceri thinks she sees angels…everywhere. She struggles to keep separate what feels like two very different sides to her life. As a manager in an advertising company she’s been working with the gorgeous Alex for two years. They have a friendship based upon the image she portrays whilst she’s at work and it helps to keep her sane. One mad, crazy night spent sharing their secrets, and a lot of wine, result in them ending up in bed together. When Alex explains that the reason he doesn’t date is because someone broke his heart, how can Ceri admit that she feels a deep connection to him?
Ceri's purpose here on this plane is to correct a series of incidents that alter the course of many of the people's lives with whom she comes into contact. She’s simply putting right little errors that could ripple outwards and change the course of their destiny. But how can she prove that she really has made a difference? Is it all in her head?
She's alone for a reason; she's not meant to fall in love in her earthly life. Alex is supposed to cross paths with her and help Ceri during a phase where she begins to question the signs she’s being given. It's meant to be a turning point for them both—but in opposite directions. They are destined to travel very different paths…but Ceri doesn’t know that and neither does Alex…
This is a romance story that explores the possibility of there being something more than just the ‘here and now’. If that were the case, how would it work? What keeps us on the path determined for us, when we have free will? How would the spirit world link with us as we go about our lives? Love is a powerful emotion, but can it change the course of someone’s destiny? Ceri’s journey has begun.
Linn’s links:  


  1. Oh JB! Thank you so much for such a fabulous post and a wonderful review. What more could I ask for? Part two is on the way... I've absolutely loved writing this series and to know that you've enjoyed reading it means such a lot! Lxx

  2. Oh, most definitely one for me! And I love Linn's writing, regardless of the subject matter!

    Great to know the next part of the trilogy will be waiting for me, Linn!

    Have a great Thursday, both of you x

  3. Love Linn's books and a great post Jonty! Can't wait to read this one!

    Mandy :))

  4. What a great post and review, JB! This was an excellent book and I can't wait for the story to continue.

  5. Thank you for dropping by ladies - draw up a chair and I'll get the coffee brewing! Time to toast JB for such an amazing presentation and a fab review. I'm thrilled. Lxx

  6. Wow, what a FAB review, I can feel JB's excitement humming on the page. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and huge congrats to Linn. I can't wait to read this!

  7. Another FAB review, Linn. You are right, it looks sooo tempting presented so beautifully here on Brook Cottage Books. For anyone looking in, read Chapter One. You won't be disappointed! :) xx

  8. Hey thanks guys for all your lovely comments. So glad you are pleased with the post Linn. I loved the book. x

  9. I will be honest JB, it's always a nail-biting time for me - a bit like stage fright I think! However, reviews like this one make a real difference because it reassures me that readers can connect with what I write. And with your level of experience when it comes to reading and reviewing, yours is a key vote. Your reviews keep me writing! And for that, I thank you! Lxx

  10. Thank you so much Linn. What a lovely thing to say. I'm very lucky that I get the opportunity to read such wonderful books and honoured to be working alongside such talented writers. X

  11. I'm sure you'll have great success with this book. It begs to be read.

  12. Thank you Anneli! No. 6 - can't wait to publish no. it will be Ceri's journey part 2.


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