Thursday 30 October 2014

Review: Falling - Angels Among Us by Linn B Halton

Falling by Linn B Halton
Series: The Complete Angels Among Us Series
Release Date: 9th October 2014
Publisher: Harper Impulse
Genres: Paranormal Romance

Ceri thinks she sees angels … everywhere. She struggles to keep separate what feels like two very different sides to her life. As a manager in an advertising company she’s been working with the gorgeous Alex for two years. The have a friendship based upon the image she portrays whilst she’s at work and it helps to keep her sane. One mad, crazy night spent sharing their secrets and a lot of wine result in them ending up in bed together and their relationship changes. When Alex explains that the reason he doesn’t date is because someone broke his heart, how can Ceri admit that she feels a deep connection to him?
Ceri knows she’s different. What she doesn’t fully appreciate, is that her task in life is to correct a series of incidents that affect some of the people’s lives with whom she comes into contact. She’s simply putting right little errors that could ripple outwards and change the course of their destiny. When she finds herself getting pulled into things that happen around her, how can she prove that she really has made a difference? Is it all in her head?
She’s alone for a reason; she’s not meant to fall in love in her earthly life. Alex is supposed to cross paths with her and help Ceri during a phase where she begins to question the signs she’s being given. It’s meant to be a turning point for them both—but in opposite directions. They are destined to travel very different paths … but Ceri doesn’t know that and neither does Alex …

The subject matter of psychic mediums and the afterlife is one that interests me greatly. I had previously read this series as a set of novellas and was thrilled when the whole series was combined in this book. Plus, there’s an extra installment that I had not previously read. The series follows Ceri who has the ability to link in with those in the afterlife. She has some psychic ability and soon discovers that it is her destiny to help others.   Ceri is much more than a mere mortal though as her journey leads her to discover. The series follows Ceri’s journey has she struggles to understand the gifts she has and how they will impact on her own life.  She is not what she appears. To further complicate her life, Ceri falls in love with Alex but those who reside on a higher plane have told Ceri that she and Alex should not be together.  Is their relationship doomed? Can Ceri walk away? Does she want to? The book leads us on a roller-coaster ride with Alex and Ceri as they struggle to find their place in the world and with each other. Ceri becomes frustrated with not being able to change the course of her own life whilst ultimately changing the lives of everyone she comes into contact with. This book is charged with emotion, passion and a deep love between two people that is almost palpable.  Linn B Halton manages to keep the reader totally engrossed in this story, desperate to know what the outcome will be for Ceri and Alex. And, just when you become comfortable in thinking you know what the ending is going to be……….BAM! There was an ending that was an OMG moment! I simply cannot believe it! I want more! I am truly hooked and I am not sure I can cope with the end of it. I am secretly hoping there will be more.  Please someone tell me there will be more?!!!  I can highly recommend this book for those of you who love a good paranormal romance and who have an interest in the spiritual aspects of life.  And, for those of you who have not considered that there may be more to life than what we simply see in front of us, the book will open your mind to possibilities that you had not considered. This book will blow you away. A lovely romance between two unlikely individuals, each struggling with their own personal demons in a world that is confusing and at times frightening.    Highly recommend!    
About Linn B Halton
Linn B Halton lives in the small village of Lydbrook, Gloucestershire in the UK, but was born in Bristol. She resides there with her husband and cat with 'catitude'- Mr Tiggs.

Linn began writing in March 2009 and her debut novel was published in February 2011. In a recent interview Linn was asked about genres:

"From a very young age I knew romantic fiction was always going to be my genre. I am, and will always be, madly in love with love! Whether that's love of life, a partner, or the things I'm passionate about.

My stories are about love, life and real relationships - but romance is always the one thing that holds each story together. Often there's a light, psychic touch and I never dreamed I would write drawing upon my personal psychic experiences. But as my interest and understanding has grown in the subject, it is now such a part of my life it finds its way into my fictional tales. However, what is heartening is that most of my experiences have been uplifting and it's wonderful to know loved ones are around me always. I hope it will make readers stop and wonder 'What if?'

The result is that I get a lot of mail from readers who have had similar experiences and some are sharing theirs for the first time with me. I always feel that's something rather special and for which I'm very grateful."

Love, life and beyond... but it's ALWAYS about the romance!

Linn is published by HarperImpulse and Sapphire Star Publishing.
Linn is the editor of Loveahappyending Lifestyle emagazine.

Website:  (
Twitter: @LinnBHalton
Facebook: Author Linn B Halton

1st -  prize a copy of The Restaurant @ The Mill and ecopies of Falling: Angels Among Us The Complete Series and Touched by The Light.
2nd Prize - 3 winners can choose which book they want from any of Linn’s ebooks.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Lovely post and I love Linn's books. Never alone is one of my favourites... and here is my review of it:

    Thank you for possibility to win another great book (I'm sure that is great)

  2. I put a tentative toe into the world of psychic romance/angels, etc when I bought Falling to try - having met Linn.
    MUCH - and I really do mean much to my surprise, I enjoyed it. I enjoyed it enough to buy both successive novellas. The books stand well just as good readable stories, and I am looking forward to reading the new "additional ending"


  3. This feels like a gathering - three of my favourite folk who always keep me writing - JB, Petra and John! Your kind comments and reviews really do have an immense impact. I still regard myself as being quite a new writer, even if I'm prolific - but each time I like to try to stretch myself. But it isn't until I read your reviews that I know if I've succeeded in telling a story the way it should be told to engage the reader. Thanks JB for making my day with your fab review; thanks Petra - every single review counts and I have a sort spot for Never Alone; and John - you give me a Friday smile on Twitter and well, job done, I surprised you ha! ha! Writing to me is a passion, but it's also fun and you meet such lovely people along the way. Lxx


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