Wednesday 12 November 2014

Guest Post: Rachel Brimble talks Christmas!

Christmas At The Cove by Rachel Brimble
Release Date: 1st November 2014
Publisher: Mills & Boon Super Romance
Genres: Romance

Blog Tour: Christmas at the Cove - Rachel Brimble + Giveaway!
Rachel Brimble brings you the perfect winter romance to warm your hearts with Christmas at the Cove! The romance author will be doing the rounds with reviews, a guest post and a hefty giveaway.

What they say: More family for Christmas? Scott Walker doesn't have time for a relationship. The sexy mechanic has career ambitions, not to mention a mother and three sisters to take care of. The last thing he needs is Carrie Jameson, the beauty he never forgot, arriving in Templeton Cove over the holidays with some unexpected news. Scott still finds Carrie irresistible, and he's not one to shirk responsibility. Scott's issues with his own dad make the prospect of parenthood a minefield. But if he and Carrie can overcome their fears, this Christmas could bring them the best gift of all.     Click Here To Buy This Book - UK Click Here To Buy This Book - US  

Guest Post by Rachel Brimble

Christmas Has To Be Books, Books & More Books…
Christmas means turkey, decorations, a huge tree and lots of parties and fun as far the Brimble family is concerned…but as far I am concerned personally, it also means lots of guilt-free BOOKS!!
Guilt-free books? I hear you ask, let me explain…
When you’re a bibliophile as I am, a huge amount of guilt comes with the quantity of books I buy…and invariably hide from my husband. Addict? Moi?
Every time someone asks either me, or my family what I would like for Christmas, they are all under explicit instructions to tell them BOOKS and then give the lovely gift giver a list of my favourite authors and their latest releases (which I refrain from buying prior to this beautiful festive season (see? I do have a modicum of self-control).
As a way to release some steam from my personal pressure cooker of excitement, I am sharing my Top Ten list of books I’d love to see in my stocking this year.
In no particular order:
1) The King’s Curse – Philippa Gregory
2) The Monogram Murders: The New Hercule Poirot Mystery – Sophie Hannah
3) Blood Magick – Nora Roberts
4) Where Love Lies – Julie Cohen
5) Leaving Time – Jodi Picoult
6) The Winter Crown – Elizabeth Chadwick
7) Your Beautiful Lies – Louise Douglas
8) The Woman Who Stole My Life – Marian Keyes
9) The Homecoming – Robyn Carr
10) An Autobiography – Agatha Christie
This list about sums up my entire reading habits – give me some romance, women’s fiction, British monarchy history or a murder/mystery and I am one happy lady. Merry Christmas!


Author Bio:  

Rachel Brimble
I live with my fantastic husband, our two young daughters and my beloved black Labrador, Max in a small market town near the famous Georgian City of Bath. Having always ‘played’ with writing, I didn’t seriously sit down and write toward publication until I became pregnant with my second daughter – then I told myself to get my butt in the chair and get on with it before she grows up and I’m forced to get a real job! Lots of short stories followed as did lots of rejections! I took a few distance learning courses, joined some online writers groups and basically, learned my craft. Finally deciding short stories weren’t working for me (they are an art form in themselves!), in 2006 I decided to embark on my first novel and voila Searching For Sophie was born! Since then, my other books have followed each year. And when I’m not writing? You’ll find me with my head in a book or walking the beautiful English countryside with my family. And in the evening? Well, a well-deserved glass of wine is never, ever refused.

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Rachel Brimble and CandleLit Author Services reserve the right to cancel or amend this giveaway at any time and without prior notification. No responsibility is taken for non-delivery of prizes.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for having me here today! Looking forward to finding out about your visitors book wish lists :D

    Rachel x


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