Monday 24 November 2014

Promo Post: The Bed and Breakfast Man by Amanda Ward


The Bed and Breakfast Man by Amanda Ward 
Series: Flirty Forties and Nifty Fifties Book 1
Release Date:11th November

Publisher: Books to Go Now
Genres: Contemporary Romance
You are never too old to fall in love...

At forty-eight, Joy Welles runs her bed and breakfast with the love and care one has for a child.
Each guest she takes in, she treats as if they are the most important person in the world. Until Christian and his granddaughter arrive to spend Christmas, and carry out his mothers’ final wish.

The tables are turned on Joy as for the first time, she is on the receiving end of the love and care. Burdened by the scars of her past, and scared of allowing herself to love again she builds up a wall of safety, only for Christian and his dogged determination to tumble them down.

Together can the couple learn to release their demons and like the river, move on with their lives

About Amanda Ward

Amanda Ward lives in Bedfordshire, England with her husband, three children and two insane cats. The expression ‘What you see is what you get’, sums her up perfectly. She is a published author of the novel Without Saying A Word with Books To Go Now and The MisAdventures of Pann Haggerty with Secret Cravings Publishing.  She is a member of the Romance Novelists Association (RNA).  There is always some moment waiting around the corner to be written into a novel.

Her interests include a passion for history, romance novels, cooking, and science fiction.  Of course not forgetting the great and wonderful Doris Day musicals. 

A perfect afternoon for Amanda would be a pot of tea, plenty of biscuits with a Doris Day film on the telly. Shared with great friends and her amazingly tolerant mother in law.
Find out more about Amanda and her manic life at      

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