Thursday 13 November 2014

Review: Deadly Lies by Chris Patchell + Giveaway

Deadly Lies by Chris Patchell
Release Date: 15th December 2014
Publisher: Chris Patchell
Genres: Fiction, Crime, Thriller

Husband and wife stand on opposite sides of a divide created by lies and rooted in a dark and deadly past…
As a teenager, Jill Shannon fell victim to her stepfather's cruel abuse. Now as an adult, Jill's made it - she has a successful career and a solid, if not static, marriage to Detective Alex Shannon. Together they live out what seems to be a perfect life in Seattle.

The vow she made as a teenager to never again be a victim lies dormant - until one day a reporter lures her to his hotel room under the pretense of an interview - and suddenly all of it comes rushing back. Jill seeks revenge on the reporter, triggering a series of events that leads Jill down a wormhole of retribution, forcing her to spin an ever-widening web of lies.

Meanwhile, Alex is pulled into a case of a series of murders that began as cyber relationships. There seems to be a familiar fingerprint on these crimes, but Alex refuses to believe the murderer could be someone close to him… 

“Chris Patchell”s debut novel, Deadly Lies, is a taut, fast-paced thriller that grabs you from the start and doesn’t let go. Patchell is a master storyteller with a real talent for creating pulse-pounding suspense.”—Kevin O’Brien, New York Times Bestselling Author of Unspeakable.

About Chris Patchell

When Chris Patchell isn’t hiking in the Cascade Mountains or hanging out with family and friends, she is working at her hi-tech job or writing gritty suspense novels. Writing has been a lifelong passion for Chris. She fell in love with storytelling in the third grade when her half-page creative writing assignment turned into a five-page story on vampires. Even back then Chris had a gift for writing intricate plots that were so good her father refused to believe she didn’t steal them from comic books.
Years later, Chris spent long afternoons managing her own independent record store and writing romance novels. After closing the record store and going to college, Chris launched a successful career in hi-tech. She married, had kids but amid all the madness, the itch to write never really went away. So she started writing again. Not romance this time – suspense filled with drama, and angst, speckled with a little bit of blood.

Why suspense? Chris blames her obsession with the dark on two things: watching Stephen King movies as a kid and spending ridiculous amounts of time commuting in Seattle traffic. “My stories are based on scenarios I live every day, distorted through the fictional lens. And my stories come with the added bonus of not having to be restrained by socially acceptable behavior."

To learn more about Chris and her debut novel, DEADLY LIES, visit
Join her on Facebook for book giveaways and more gritty fun at


Deadly Lies is one of those books that grips you from the first page and doesn't let go the whole way through! Even from the very opening pages, Chris Patchell manages to grab the reader with both hands and pull them into an exciting, thrilling and rollercoaster ride! The characters in the book are not without their flaws but I think thats what makes them likeable and easy to relate to.
Jill Shannon has had her fair share of trauma in her life and is a victim of not only circumstance but of her own wrong decisions. Yet, despite her many flaws, I couldn't help but feel sorry for her. Alex Shannon is at heart a good man, desperately trying to do the right thing for the people he cares about and balance his job as a police officer. His marriage is on the rocks and Jill is hiding more than one secret. Alex is on the case of a serial killer who is using the internet to lure his victims into meeting him. There is so much going on in this book. It will keep you guessing and changing your mind and guessing again. A great action packed thriller!  Highly recommended.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. Such an intense cover. It seems well suited to the story.


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