Tuesday 10 February 2015

Guest Post + Giveaway: Me and Writing by Amanda Sington-Williams

Just Two Weeks by Amanda Sington-Williams
Release Date: 30th October 2014
Publisher: BookBaby
Genres: Thriller, Contemporary Fiction

Brook Cottage Books is so thrilled to be coordinating the tour for Just Two Weeks by Amanda Sington-Williams and even more excited to have this great guest post from Amanda. Lets find out what the book is all about first! Oh and you can read my review for the book on the blog on the 12th Feb!

Book Blurb

After being made redundant from a seemingly secure job Jolene Carr takes a two week break in the sun. On the first day she meets Raquel, another hotel guest. Little does she realise how this apparently innocent acquaintance will lead to terrible and lasting consequences. After a frightening incident she hits a conspiracy of silence from the locals and over the rest of the holiday she feels herself slipping into a vortex of fear. Back home, the nightmare continues and she realises that Raquel is stalking her. Her hippie mother and her partner Mark tell her she is imagining it all. All certainties, even about relationships, become fluid and treacherous as her past begins to unravel. If it wasn't for Rob, her ex-lover who Jolene thinks has his own agenda, she would be left to cope on her own.
How much fear and betrayal can one person take?

Me and writing

I have always scribbled and when I was a teenager (like many teenagers), I started to write poetry and short stories. This continued into adulthood. But it was only when I had to take medical retirement from my job as a Domestic Violence Policy Co-ordinator that I decided well here was an opportunity to do what to do what I’d always dreamed about.  Though I’d finished one career what was to stop me having yet another one? (I’d already been a TEFL teacher).  So I enrolled on a two year Creative Writing course at Sussex University. I’d left school at 16 so this was a chance to go to university – I’d always felt I’d missed out though I had previously studied with the Open University for my job. The Creative Writing course was amazing. I learnt so much. One of my short stories was shortlisted for the Asham Award and my poetry was read out on BBC radio. I began my first novel, The Eloquence of Desire and was awarded a menteeship by The Royal Literary Fund for this novel. After the course had finished I enrolled on a two year literary course where I read Ulysses not once but twice! I loved being a student and learning so much, and I got accepted for a MA in Creative Writing and Authorship. I decided to do it part time as due to my disability I can only type with two fingers so it takes me a bit longer to get my writing done. Sadly I suffered two bereavements halfway through the course so I took a year out and when I returned to study my heart wasn’t in it but I got the MA and  began my second novel A Little Rain Will Fall to be published later this year.  During this period I was pleased to get a publisher for my first book, The Eloquence of Desire. This is a historical romance set in Malaysia during the 1950s.

I began to teach novel writing in Brighton and imparted the knowledge I’d leant at university. Unfortunately the venue closed so I began to mentor new novel writers. I decided I wanted to write a commercial novel and embarked on Just Two Weeks. I won the IPR Agents Pick. This novel  is a psychological thriller set in Sri Lanka and The Lake District and I’s about a female stalker who begins to stalk another woman because of past events. It has been received well with lots of 5* reviews and is available through Amazon as a paperback or e-book. Why not read it and see!

Thanks for reading. Amanda Sington-Williams

About the Author
Amanda Sington Williams' first novel, The Eloquence of Desire was published by Sparkling Books in 2010 and has been translated into Turkish. She won an award for this novel in 2007 from the Royal Literary Fund. Since 2006 when she first started writing she has had many short stories published, including: Growing Pains by Bridgehouse Publishing, A Mother's Love by Indigo Mosaic, Two Orchids by Sentinel Literary Quarterly. Unseasonable Weather by Dead Ink Press, The Woman at Number Six by Writing Raw, and many more.
Her second novel, Just Two Weeks is a psychological suspense and won the IPR Agents Pick in 2013.


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