Thursday 26 March 2015

Guest Post + Giveaway: Ichabod Temperance has made contact with 2015!

A Matter of Temperance by Ichabod Temperance 
Series: The Adventures of Ichabod Temperance: Bk1
Release Date: 17th April 2013
Publisher: GoldenBear Creative Works
Genres: Steampunk

Brook Cottage Books has been thrilled to be coordinating the book tour for A Matter of Temperance by Ichabod Temperance. You can catch my review for this amazing Steampunk novel on the blog tomorrow. In the meantime, the lovely Mr Temperance has written a fantastic guest post! Love it! Don't forget to enter the giveaway also!

In a World of Temperance


This is Ichabod Temperance attempting to contact the year 2015.

Do you read me?

I got the dynamos running full tilt, y'all. The conductor relays are humming like they are about to burst, so I'll keep this brief. All my gauges on this end are indicating that the Trans-Di-Tempero-Scriptometor is functioning properly, so I am going to proceed on the assumption that this message will indeed reach across the vast voids of time and dimension from my universe to yours.

I am informed me that your world did not suffer the passage of the 'Revelatory Comet' as ours did. Back in 1869, our solar system was visited by a Celestial Snowball that triggered an 'Age' characterized by a frenzy of curious invention and outrageous supernatural phenomena. It is now 1875, and I very often find myself caught up in many unusual predicaments of happenstance. A marvelous thing I have discovered in this age of marvelous invention that you and I share, is being able to contact all of you! In the last year or so, since I have been writing of my escapades, I have come to develop many friendships in your world and from all over the globe! I am just a silly little fellow from Alabama, in the U. S. of A., but I am now pals with folks from all over the Earth! I have friends that I now communicate with on almost a daily basis in Australia, Scotland, and even Greece! On occasions, I have forgotten the distances that separate us. It is like my pals on the other side of the world are right next door. In my experience, I have seen powerful technologies usurped by ruthless megalomaniacs in mad attempts to conquer the world! Every effort is made made to prevent dangerous devices from falling into the wrong hands, but nowadays, as incredible technology is so overwhelmingly prevalent, how are we to keep dangerous devices from falling in the wrong hands when unheard of inventions are already literally and figuratively in everyone's hands and laps reading this? I reckon it is up to each and every one of us to use our amazing contraptions wisely and for the good. I sometimes hear about people not exercising the most courteous behaviour or etiquette on the aether's reaches, but I have only met the nicest people, the world over. My use of these technologies has brought me into contact with the friendly and encouraging environment of the writing community. This energetic and friendly bunch freely share their wealth of writing and publication tips.

If any bloggers should choose to read and review 'Matter', thank you! I very much appreciate the time and effort of your having read the book, much less, to go and write a review! I welcome constructive criticism.

I am very lucky to have found, and so happy to have been accepted, into the universe of writing and reading enthusiasts. I am thrilled to be on this lovely blog and communicating with you, Dear Reader. Please leave a comment below, to tell me where you are. I really would like to say hello.

Uh, oh, these vacuum tubes are getting really hot and glowing in a way that is making me nervous. The dynamo is producing a disconcerting odour as well. I think my contraption is telling me it's time to go.

Your pal,

About Ichabod Temperance

Ichabod Temperance is a silly little fellow living in picturesque Irondale Alabama, USA, with his lovely, gracious and kind muse, Miss Persephone Plumtartt and their furry pack family.

About the Book
In 1869, the Earth experiences the close pass of a new comet. In its wake, thousands of Terra's inhabitants find themselves strangely changed. Among humanity, many find that any talent they may naturally possess has been elevated to an astounding degree.
 Likewise, a number of animals become self-aware and intelligent. A young “comet prodigy” from humble beginnings, Ichabod Temperance, has become one of the world's foremost inventors in this age of prolific genius. Traveling to England to deliver his latest brilliant device to a famous explorer, the young tinker is unexpectedly struck by the fearsome hand of fate. Meanwhile, a lovely young aristocrat, Miss Persephone Plumtartt, survives an experimental accident only to find herself imbued with a power she can neither understand nor control, while dark forces and malevolent creatures pursue her, leaving a gruesome wake of death.

Yet, worse is to come. The naïve young inventor and the lovely intellectual find themselves fighting not only to save their own lives, while concurrently coming to terms with their own budding romance, but to prevent the destruction of all life on Earth in this humorously told and poignant steampunk adventure!

This is the first book in the series, 'The Adventures of Ichabod Temperance'. There are six books. Though in a series, each book is a stand-alone adventure. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. Hello Deb!
    Thank you for hosting and posting!
    Happy reading, everybody!
    Your pal,


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