Thursday 2 April 2015

Review + Giveaway: Trading Vincent Crow by D.C.J Wardle

Trading Vincent Crow by D.C.J Wardle
Series: Vincent Crow Book 1
Release Date: 4th December 2012
Publisher: Matador
Genres: Comedy, Humour

Vincent Crow had heard somewhere that you could trade a piece of useless junk on the internet and within a year of swapping it for better and better things you could get cool stuff. Crow decided that he himself was going to start off as that piece of tat, jump from one job to the next; indeed he would trade one lifestyle for a new one, until he was finally a success. Every three months he would have to trade-up for an entirely new life - new job, new girl, new wheels, new pad, new threads - until he reached the top.

Trading Vincent Crow is the type of book that you can just pick up and fall into straight away. Poor Vince is a bit of a cool as a cucumber type of guy who seems to come up with some brilliant ideas for improving himself. Well, most of the ideas are only brilliant in Vince's own head! This is a humorous read that has quite a few cringe-worthy moments that are not completely beyond the realms of possibility which is probably what makes this story work so well. Despite Vince getting himself into all kinds of situations, he always manages to find some positives throughout his experiences and move onto bigger and better things.

Vince is a likeable character, despite there being times when I thought he was going to fall flat on his face with another one of his 'trading up'  ideas. The premise behind the story is a good one...........just what would it take to improve your life and what are you going to do about it?  Basically, Vince takes a chance on his greatest commodity.........himself! He moves from job to job and opportunity to opportunity to improve his career and lifestyle. Sometimes, in the most unlikely way.  And, I have to say that I adored his gran! What a fab character. She sounded just like someone who should have been a character in the television programme Shameless. She is very funny.

This is a great little book and worth a read. Looking forward to the second book in the series Vincent Crow: Export. Goodness knows what other adventures Vince will go on. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


D.C.J. WARDLE is the author of humorous novels 'Trading Vincent Crow' and 'Vincent Crow: Export'. In January 2013 he was author of the month on

Holding post-graduate qualifications in development management as well as community water supply engineering, over the past fifteen years, he has worked in developing countries in Africa and Asia, managing emergency and development programmes.


1 comment:

  1. Your review was most helpful. I like humor in my reads.


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