Tuesday 24 May 2016

Guest Post from Ellen Faith, author of Perfume & Promises

Perfume & Promises by Ellen Faith
Release Date: 21st May 2016
Genres:  Women's Fiction / Romance

Today on the blog I am thrilled to welcome Ellen Faith with a wonderful quest post. Take it away Ellen!

 Hi JB!

Thank you for having me on your wonderful blog and for being a part of the tour for Perfume & Promises.

The characters for Perfume & Promises were unlike any other characters I’ve written yet still held the same values and had certain similarities. 

At the beginning of the book, Chloe Richards was part of the young, hot, London crowd until one day, she decides that she has had enough and needs to make her own way in life, starting afresh in a place where nobody knows her name. Her feisty attitude was fun to write, she doesn’t suffer fools gladly and is fiercely independent but to those that mean something to her, she is loyal through and through. Of course, because of her independence there were times she just would not do as she was told, even if in theory I was supposed to be the one in control of her. I enjoyed the growth as a character that Chloe went through, and indeed her parents when they enter unannounced, because on all counts, as Hollywood royalty, none are really in touch with reality. Chloe is spoilt (not a brat, but still pampered to within an inch of her life), and her parents are in their own selfish bubble. They all grow and, in my opinion, as the story goes on, become much better people for their time in Rosehip. Their family values reappear and family ties and friendships are both things I feel strongly about and feature heavily in all my books.

Chloe only threw me one real curve-ball in one of the later chapters which, if I’m being honest, was a lot of fun! I won’t say exactly what she does because it would be a major spoiler but I will say that the old saying is true, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.  

Chloe Richards is a small town girl with a big heart. At least, that’s what the local folk of Rosehip Village think. But when her parents turn up on her doorstep asking for help, her secret past is about to be revealed.
Being the daughter of Hollywood royalty was never going to be easy, but at 19, Chloe Richards managed to leave that life behind along with the scandals that almost destroyed her. A fresh start was all she needed, and a fresh start was what she got in Rosehip. Girlfriend of a local bookshop owner, best friends with fiercely loyal café owner and owner of a perfume business herself, Chloe has a happy life. But her parents are about to turn her perfect life on its head. Again.
What do you do when you’re torn between loyalty and protecting yourself? Should you trust your heart when your head is telling you not to?

About the Author

Ellen lives in the wonderful county of Yorkshire, England with her husband where she spends most of her time with her nose in her laptop, a book or plate of food.

Legal secretary and daydreamer by day, writer and serial tweeter by night, Ellen finally decided to put all the magic in her head to some use one day and put finger to laptop where The Story of Us was born and became her debut novel. Four novels later, the daydreams are still going strong, thankfully!

She loves to travel and enjoys taking her readers on a journey to escape with her, in whatever country or village she decides on next.



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