Friday 1 July 2016

Review + Giveaway: Baby's Got Blue Eyes by LM Krier

Baby's Got Blue Eyes by LM Krier
Series: D.I Ted Darling #1
Release Date: February 2015
Genres: Crime Thriller

Someone is dumping bodies on DI Ted Darling's patch and he's not happy. Ted's a good solid copper, in an old-fashioned way, with an excellent clear-up rate. He's not at all like your average cop and has his own unique way of dealing with any prejudice his differences bring him. No heavy drinking, no failed marriage, just a steady, long-term relationship. He and his partner have cats, not kids.

But this serial killer seems to be running effortless rings round Ted and his team. Every promising lead just takes them up another frustrating blind alley.

Then it starts to get personal …

Baby's Got Blue Eyes is the brilliant first book in the D.I Ted Darling series and what a fantastic book it is! The book begins with an absolutely gory murder and D.I Darling (adore the name!) will not let this murderer blemish his 100% clean up rate. However, the D.I and his colleagues soon realise that there may be a serial killer on the loose and he's a little too close to home for Ted's liking. But this killer is clever and manipulative and Ted and his team find themselves trying to crack a case that will test each one of them to their very limits. Its an exciting and breath holding read that is full of surprises.......most of which I didn't see coming. Totally gripping!

L.M Krier has created a wonderful character in Ted Darling. An openly gay man in the police force, Ted and his partner Trev have a relationship that would make anyone jealous. They compliment each other perfectly. Ted does not fit the stereotypical detective. He's small and wiry, very clean living, doesn't drink, keeps super fit and has the type of relationship people only dream about. That being said, he isn't any kind of a pushover as his new colleague very quickly finds out. Ted knows how to kick ass..........literally! That being said, Ted knows how to look after his team and is encouraging and kind but tough when he needs to be. Therefore he gets their best because they respect him. His team provide a host of interesting characters from a variety of backgrounds and they all added something to the book in their own way. 

The dialogue flowed smoothly and at a natural pace and the writing was simply amazing! It kept me interested throughout, making it difficult to put the book down. I needed to know what was happening! The whole time I was reading the book I was trying to imagine who would play the characters if this was to be made into a crime drama series which it so definitely should be! Its an amazing read that I cannot recommend highly enough. It had me hooked from page 1. I think I have found a new favourite crime series!



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Retired journalist, freelance copywriter and copy editor Lesley Tither writes under various pen names for different genres. Already well known for travel memoirs as Tottie Limejuice, Lesley also writes crime fiction under the name L M Krier.
Lesley's first crime thriller, 'Baby's Got Blue Eyes', was published in February 2015, followed by 'Two Little Boys' in June 2015. Books 3 and 4 in the DI Ted Darling series, 'When I'm Old and Grey' and 'Shut Up and Drive' are now available and Book 5 in the series will appear later in 2016.

"Sell the Pig" is the first in a series of travel memoirs describing how Lesley, writing as Tottie Limejuice, decided to make the move from the UK to France to start a new life, taking with her an 89-year-old mother suffering from vascular dementia. The story continues in three further books, 'Is That Billinge Lump?', 'Mother, Was It Worth It?' and 'Biff the Useless Mention'. A fifth book in the 'Sell the Pig' series is scheduled for release later in 2016.

Her first children's fiction book, writing as L M Kay, will be published later in 2016. 'The Dog with the Golden Eyes' is an exciting children's crime thriller.

Lesley also writes under the collective pen name of Jilli Lime-Holt, together with authors Jill Pennington and Janet Holt. Their first joint book, Take Three Birds, was published in December 2014.

Lesley is a former journalist, working as both a criminal court and coroner's court reporter. She also worked as a case tracker for the Crown Prosecution Service, and for a firm investigating irregularities in offshore finance. Her other jobs have included owning and running a holiday riding centre and acting as a 'charity mugger', lying in wait to sign up shoppers for a wildlife charity.

Lesley's interests centre around nature and wildlife and encompass dogs, wild camping and organic gardening. She lives in the Auvergne region of Central France and holds dual French/British nationality. Her current dogs are two rescued border collies.

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