Monday 4 February 2019

She Saw What He Did by Lynda Renham: Guest Post

She Saw What He Did by Lynda Renham

Release Date: 1st February 2019
Publisher: Raucous Publishing
Genres:  Thriller

I'm delighted to welcome Lynda Renham back to the blog to talk about what its like to write full time. Lynda has just released a new book SHE SAW WHAT HE DID. It sounds like an amazing read! Here's the blurb! 

Abby Miller thought she had the perfect family; a good looking, loving husband and a beautiful daughter. Her life was complete. The shock discovery that her husband, Jared, had been having an affair rocked her world. So when Jared suggested a short break to the Cannard Islands, to heal their fractured marriage, Abby agreed. An idyllic holiday turns into a nightmare when Abby sees something through the telephoto lens of her camera. Suddenly her life and the life of her daughter are in serious danger and no one seems able to help them. 


What do we do with our time? I ask myself this constantly.  More to the point, what do I do with my time? 

I thought what a dream it would be to write full time. Suddenly my dream became a reality and I became a full time writer. I’ll get so much done now, I told myself. I won’t be writing from 3pm onwards anymore. I’ll have plenty of time. I will start at 9 in the morning and finish at 5.
Who was I kidding?

What went wrong?

Combining a home life with writing turned out to be much harder than I thought. Why is it that now I am home all the time (and should be writing) that I have become super house proud?  In fact that is an understatement. I have become super super house-proud. So now I am not only an author but Mrs Bouquet to boot. Even the cats are afraid to walk on my clean floor. No, that’s not strictly true, they walk all over my clean floor and my clean kitchen counters.  This, of course, means I am constantly washing them. The kitchen floors that is, not the cats.
Suddenly one clean a day isn’t enough. I seem to be constantly on my knees. Cleaning that is, not praying. 

Then there is dinner. Now I am home all day I seem to think I have time to make something lavish as opposed to that quick stew in the slow cooker.  

It now occurs to me that when I say I am a full time writer I’m not being totally honest am I? The truth is I sometimes don’t start writing until about midday and then it’s time for my lunch which means more preparation and clearing up.
It’s hard work being an author, especially when you’re home all day.
As you can see I balance work and home life very badly. 

Finally at about 1.30 I will start work. That’s if I’m not side tracked by my new little kitties or the thought of those Kit Kat’s in the fridge. I tell you, its hard work being an author and even harder work being home all day.

But, somehow I manage to produce some books. Hurrah for that. On the 1st February saw the release of my new thriller titled ‘She Saw What he Did.’

It is a fast paced thriller so be prepared that once you start reading you may not be able to stop.



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