Friday 26 September 2014

Squaring Circles by Carolyn Mathews - Promo

Brook Cottage Books is thrilled to be coordinating the promo blitz party for Squaring Circles by Carolyn Mathews. The party which kicks off tomorrow (27th) at 9am will be a day of bookish fun with reviews, author interviews and guest posts. Join us there. You are all invited to the fab Facebook Event. Lets find out a little bit more about what the book is all about.

Squaring Circles blurb

 Free spirit Pandora is shaken by the sudden death of her mother and the presence of a mysterious stranger at the funeral. When her mother’s grave is disturbed, she turns detective and finds herself drawn into a world of intrigue, centring round a devious couple’s plot to exploit a healing circle for their own ends. Her partner Jay’s collaboration with a sexy singer and her own encounter with an old flame add to the confusion. Will she succeed in her quest to restore equilibrium to her family circle or will the decisions she and Jay make set them up for more heartache?


 Carolyn Mathews' English Language writing and teaching career included a stint with a class of 'Harry Potter' extras at the local Warner Bros. studio, Hertfordshire. With so much magic in the air, it's no wonder she now writes fiction with more than a hint of the supernatural.

Buy Links

Author Links
If anyone wants an autographed copy they can email Carol. The address is on the contact page of her website.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this thoughtful and helpful review. It's so important for authors to get feedback from reviewers to check that the 'recipe' we're using has the right balance of ingredients, so we can adjust it if necessary, to produce a better 'dish. :-) And congratulations on organising such a wonderful launch party. Carolyn


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