Monday 3 March 2014

Jim Webster was born in Barrow in Furness on the 24th March 1956, the same day that Devon Loch fell at the Grand National and Dick Francis turned his attention to writing. With a teacher for a mother and a farmer for a father, Jim was thus able to read before going to school, could drive a tractor by the age of eight and was feeding calves somewhat earlier than that. Jim's been farming since 1975 and milked twice a day, at least 290 days a year for the next thirty years. Since then, he's farmed, written freelance and acted as a consultant, sometimes managing to do all three in the same day. Jim is happily married since 1985; his wife Brenda and he have three daughters scattered about Northern England.
He has held sundry community positions, including chairing the local Police Liaison Committee, chair of the county branch of the Country Land and Business Association, and has written more articles on wargaming and military history than he can count and is a Church Warden. He is immoderately proud of the fact that he has no CV, having been self-employed his entire life.
He started writing books back in 2011, and have written and published five fantasy novels as ebooks. But in 2012 he contacted Safkhet Publishing and discovered they were looking for Science Fiction. Justice 4.1(The Tsarina Sector) is the result.
The Book Blurb

When a journalist is shot down in a backward area of Tsarina, Haldar Drom of the Governor's Investigation Office is sent to investigate. He uncovers a hidden medical facility dedicated to the production of Abate, a drug used for population control, as well as evidence of the implantation of pre-created embryos in women brought to Tsarina for the purpose. He also discovers a deeper plot with far reaching political ramifications. A senior member of the Governors family, Doran Stilan is running a personal feud with
the major pirate/Starmancer Wayland Strang. Indeed he begins to suspect that Stilan may even be angling to take Stang's place.
The medical facility is destroyed after it is attacked by mercenaries hired by Strang, and Drom has to travel off world to untangle the treads of the conspiracy. Arriving back on Tsarina, he has to deal with a failed Starmancer attack, punish the guilty and arrange for Doran Stilan to get what's coming without undermining the position of the Governor. To do this, he'll need skill, know-how and a whole lot of luck to ensure that the guilty face justice.

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