Sunday 13 January 2013


This book is about 8 women who have remained true and loyal friends through their entire adult lives. The book explores their relationship over a period of 40 years. They meet regularly to play bridge and basically to put the world to rights, although their friendship extends further than just their regular Bridge meetings. They have supported each other through very difficult periods of their lives and each of the women has drawn strength from the collective group.
Each of these unique women brings something different to the group. Coming from a diverse range of lifestyles with equally diverse points of view they seem to gel and have, over time become a special sort of family who remain fiercely loyal to one another. The book examines many issues that the women are forced to examine and deal with in their personal lives from grief, illness and marital breakdown.
I found this book a fascinating read as the idea of enduring friendships is something that I can relate to. I myself have been lucky enough to be friends with the same group of friends since my school days – almost 30 years! We too meet regularly and come from a variety of backgrounds and have also dealt with some of the issues the wonderful ladies in the Bridge Club have dealt with.

Patricia Sands has crafted a wonderful piece of writing through this book. Her descriptions of the various locations throughout Canada are absolutely breath taking. The reader can almost imagine themselves there. The characters in the book, or as I found myself referring to them as ‘the leading ladies’ are likeable in their own way. The fact that each is so different makes the dynamics of their relationship so interesting. It is very difficult to find a favourite character as they are all so fabulous and the reader soon becomes engrossed in each individual’s story.
The book explores just how far you would go for a friend. How much would you do to help them in a very difficult situation? For each of the ladies in the book, there is no limit. They love each other like sisters and no-one will ever break this bond they all share.
I can definitely recommend this book. It’s a wonderful, heart-warming, heart breaking story that is well worth a read. Have a box of tissues at the ready however and make sure you are wearing waterproof mascara!

6 Responses so far.

  1. Ooh, another book you've reminded me I really want to read. I, too, have a group of longstanding girlfriends I laugh, cry and regularly put the world to rights with. :) This sounds just my cup of tea (or glass of vino!). Thank you JB! Well done, Patricia! FAB review. xx

  2. Deedee says:

    Its a great book Sheryl and I really enjoyed it! Definitely appeals to all us women with life-long friends. x

  3. Melanie says:

    Lifelong friends are the best! Patricia's book sounds wonderful. I'll be interested to see how many of the locations Patricia uses I recognize or have visited.

    Brilliant review!

  4. Patricia says:

    What a lovely surprise to receive links to your review from tons of friends today! Thank you for your perceptive and touching comments. I am so happy you have friendships like this in your life too!

  5. Girlfriends are so important - I know it's friends who often keep me going! Congrats JB on a fab review and well done Patricia!

  6. Janice says:

    What a great review. This book sounds wonderful and I also want to know how to play Bridge!

    Janice xx

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