Wednesday 23 September 2015


I'd like to welcome reviewer and Brook Cottage Books tour host, the lovely Julie Boon as part of my REVIEWER IN THE SPOTLIGHT feature! 


What is your blog called?

Boon’s Bookcase

How did you come up with the name?

It took me ages to think of the name as I wanted something beginning with “B” like my surname! Then one day it just came to me!!

What sort of books do you review?

I like to review a variety of genres  including chick lit, thrillers, wartime sagas and am hoping (time permitting) to start re-reading some old classics ie Catherine Cookson’s!

Do you take part in tours?

Yes I have been very lucky since starting my blog that I have been involved in many blog tours. It was really nerve wracking at first, but it does get easier!

Why did you decide to start a blog?

I thought about it for over a year until I actually set a blog up. I was finding that publishers were less willing to send books for review unless you had a blog. It was one of my new year’s resolutions and one day at the end of January my son said “come on Mum, let’s set up your blog”!

List 3 great books you have read lately.

Whilst on holiday recently in Turkey I took copies of books I had on my TBR pile and had wanted to read for a while so I took The Island by Victoria Hislop which was totally amazing, A Memory of Violets by Hazel Gaynor, which is so beautifully written and the book cover and font is gorgeous and River of Souls by Kate Rhodes (this is the 4th book in the Alice Quentin series)

How many books are on your TBR pile?

Typically, like any book blogger too many! But at a guess I would say more than 30 – ooops!!

How many books do you read a week?

I am not a very fast reader unfortunately and working full time gets in the way, so at best two a week, sometimes only the one if I’m really tired!

List 3 interesting facts about you.

1.     I have my name in the acknowledgements of River of Souls by Kate Rhodes as she is a fantastic writer of psychological thrillers and I have loved every one of her books and I get overly excited when she has a new book out! She is very grateful to her fans hence why she put some of our names in the book.

2.     I have had a penpal for over 35 years (just a bit longer than I have known my husband!!) and we only communicate by letter!! 

3.      Apart from collecting books, I am addicted to Harrods handbags!

Tell us where we can find your blog.

Twitter: @JulieBoon 

Thanks so much to Julie for taking part in the Reviewer in the Spotlight feature. If like Julie, you'd also like to be a book tour host, then email me at


One Response so far.

  1. Lovely to learn more about you Julie.

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