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- Author Interview: Sally Ramsey
Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Publisher: Snow Leopard
Genres: Fantasy / Vampire
Brook Cottage Books is thrilled to welcome Sally Ramsey to the blog. Thank you Sally for agreeing to appear on the blog.
Do you write under your real name or is this a pen name you
I write for Snow Leopard under my real name, Sally Ramsey. I
also write other things as Cheerful Chemist or CheerfulChemist.
Where are you from?
I was born in New Jersey, spent my teens
in New York City, went to college in Ohio, grad school in Iowa, then got
married. After that we lived in Minnesota for two years, then Southern
California for twenty-five years, and have lived in Ohio for about the past
fourteen years. I suppose the short answer would be: I’m from the United
List 3 interesting facts about yourself.
I’m a chemist with about seventeen patents worldwide.
I have two sons with autism.
I spent many years as an advocate for my sons and many
others with autism, and I write cookbooks for the autism community.
What was the first thing you ever had published?
My mother worked as an editor and when I was in high school
I became her ghost writer for puzzles and blurbs in margins of textbooks. I
wrote a glossary for a textbook when I was in college. My first actual sale was
an eight line poem, about thirty-three years ago. I still have the acceptance letter
framed on my wall.
Do you have a writing routine?
When I get up at six A.M., I edit a chapter of fiction that
I wrote previous day and post it to the web. Then I take care of household
chores and my paid chemistry work before writing another chapter and working on
one or two other writing projects. I usually write well into the night, three
hundred sixty-five (or this year three hundred sixty-six) days a year.
Do you have any writing rituals?
I keep notebooks with characters, ideas, and plot lines. I
usually write in pencil out of habit because the chemicals I’ve worked with in
the laboratory dissolve ink. The notebooks stay by my bed in case I get an idea
in the middle of the night and I always have some way of making a note in case
I’m out and about.
Where did the idea for your most recent book come from?
It is about an autistic vampire. The autism part comes from
my experience and I’ve liked vampires ever since I saw Frank Langella play
Who was the first person you shared your book with?
I shared ideas with my husband. No one actually read the
whole thing until I sent it to Marc Estes at Snow Leopard.
Do you have a current work in progress?
I have more than one.
I’m working on a sequel to Dark Awakening. I also have a science fiction short
in the works and I put out a chapter online every day.
Do you have any advice for budding authors?
The only way to be an author is to write.
About the Author
Born in New Jersey, Sally Ramsey
lived in Manhattan in her teen years and resided in Ohio, Iowa, Minnesota, and
Southern California before settling in her present home in Northeast Ohio. As
the mother of two grown sons with autism, Sally spent many years as a
disabilities activist and advocate. She ran both a support group and a
disabilities ministry as well as re-founding her local chapter and serving as
president of her state chapter and as national president of the Autism Society
of America. Writing has been her special love and a potent refuge, from the
moment she was able to hold a pencil. She has published poetry, non-fiction
articles, and special needs cookbooks. In her day job as a chemist, Sally is
the sole inventor on multiple patents and has received awards for the
development of environmentally friendly technologies.
She has drawn on all her life experience in both the autism community and the
laboratory to create Grayson Miller and his unique story.
Book Blurb
After growing up autistic, Grayson
Miller PhD. was a solitary soul, with only his work and his love of anime to
fill his time. When he was transformed into a vampire, the easing of his
symptoms seemed miraculous. His speech became more fluent, and his senses no
longer screamed. Physically weak throughout his life, he was now strong. But
Grayson was too scrupulous to kill, and feeding loomed as a huge challenge. He
overcame it, building a new business procuring blood for himself and other
vampires by recycling expired supplies.
A new and wondrous love grew between Grayson and brilliant scientist Dr.
Tina Chow, but an evil more ambitious than any Grayson could ever have
imagined, imperiled it. The darkness threatened to take everything Grayson's
new life had given him, including Tina.
Together, Grayson and Tina were forced to join a vampire revolution and
develop a potent weapon against ancient and powerful forces.

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