I am very proud to say that I am a
part of the wonderful Plum Tree group and have contributed to their projects
directly. I shall be using this page to promote all Plum Tree Projects and I
hope that you enjoy hearing all about Plum Tree. I took part in a great project
called Every Child Is Entitled to Innocence, writing under the name JB
Johnston. My contribution is called A Different Kind of Love Affair. Check it
out! The idea for this story was taken from a blog post I wrote and just kind
of snowballed from there!

What's in a book? Everything
...So began my Plum Tree Books journey
two years ago.
At the time, I was completely new to social
networking. In fact, it had never been something I was attracted to. At first,
the trials and tribulations of creating a blog, understanding the terminology,
the Internet Speak, was, I felt, completely beyond me. I wrote amusing posts about being an Internet
Klutz: the things that went wrong on the release day of my first novel, Orange
Petals In a Storm. All things Kindle stretched my technological boundaries to
breaking point!
Self-promotion is no fun. I wondered if my
role as author meant I would have to do the rounds, telling people only about
the writing process in the hope of enticing a few buyers. I didn't want to be
limited in this way. I wanted to use my blog to write about anything and
everything. After all, I AM a writer. I love writing. I am compulsive. I need
to write. Could I write about all the subjects that
engage me when the blogging, social networking gurus tell you to stick to one
thing and to do it well? My specialist subject is Psychology. Psychotherapy had
been my career for more than 30 years.
However, I have professed many careers that
have spanned many subjects, including music and performance, working for
charities, campaigning, being a social entrepreneur. I don't like being
repetitious. Repetition, whilst helping us to perfect certain things, can
stifle creativity. I decided that creating a successful brand for Plum Tree
Books needed more than sticking to a formula.
My relationship with Social Networking began
because I was trying to sell my own books. I soon found out that social
networking is not a medium through which to sell. As a novice, I took the
advice of those-in-the-know. You know the ones I mean...they sell a million and
then tell you how they did it. Trouble is, lightening never strikes twice in
the same place. Being encouraged to, Like, the works of fellow authors in order
to receive some, Likes, back was, to be honest, anathema to my spirit. It
wasn't long before I broke free of the Facebook or LinkedIn groups I had been
encouraged to join.
My involvement with Facebook did, however,
enable me to meet some exceptional talents, with whom I developed creative,
reliable relationships. I decided not to promote my own books, except to let
people know they are there. I loathe the hard-sell-in-your-face. I am good at
promoting others. I hope I sell a few of my own books along the way.
It has taken two years to develop Plum Tree
Books into the distinctive site that it is today. It has evolved into a modest
enterprise. Plum Tree Books is about quality over quantity and plum-picking the
best!We are committed to finding rare and
exciting new talents in the fields of Art, Literature and Music and combining
these mediums in new ways to bring unique, and special gifts to grace your
coffee table.
Geisha by Susie Bertie. (exquisite range poem
Now I will tell you what we do. We focus on our beautiful strengths. We
are creating a niche for ourselves by bringing poetry alive again, combining it
with exquisite art, reciting it to musical soundscapes. Our poetry books
support causes such as the Song Of Sahel Poetry Anthology, or Every Child Is
Entitled to Innocence, in which I brought together poets and artists from all
the world to express the inexpressible in solidarity for those suffering or
living in dire circumstances. We wil publish a few, rare and beautifully written inspirational,
healing or quirky books, just one or two each year. Our children's books are
illustrated by outstanding international artists. One of our artists, Sicilian
born, Maria Antonietta Terrana, has just been awarded the Van Gogh Prize.
Sunflowers by Maria Antonietta Terrana...(illustration for George &
The Frog.)
Our children's stories aim to teach children about the garden
eco-system, how everything serves a purpose. A second series will teach young
children about their emotions. We have just released a new collection of carefully chosen, gorgeous
greetings cards, which come with attachable poems to meet most occasions. These
make beautiful gifts and can be ordered from our web-site. A small pack of
attachable poems is the perfect card accessory.
accompanying attachable poem by Niamh
I'll grow a tree just for you
with diamonds on
and chocolates too
and tell the silver moon to cast
a light upon you,
on all you see
on all you be
beneath my sparkle shiny tree

Expect some wonderful releases coming soon. Watch this space!
(Halloween, renamed, The Spell Tree, by Marta Pelrine Bacon )
Orange Petals in a Storm:
The Coming Of The Feminine Christ:
Web-site: http://plumtreebooks.co
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