Thursday, 22 January 2015

Stable Mates by Zara Stoneley
Release Date: 14th August 2014
Publisher: Harper Impulse
Genres: Chick Lit, Romance

Brook Cottage Books has had great fun co-ordinating the tour for Stable Mates by Zara Stoneley. It seems that the reviewers (you can catch my review tomorrow) are loving this 'bonk-buster'. This lead me to ask Zara the question -

'You write romantic 'bonk busters'. How did you get into writing this particular genre?' 

And, this is what she said...................
I blame a misspent youth…

I had three loves in my teens – books, horses and David Essex. I’m pretty sure it was the books that came first, but the more I got into hanging around horses, then the less time I spent with my nose buried in the pages of a book. And, sadly, I have to admit that David got slightly neglected too. Although he did get to share my bedroom wall with a few of my showjumping heroes (and their horses).

When you’re ten years old a pony can be a girl’s best friend, but when the hormones start to hit things change. You realise that loitering round a stable yard can involve encounters with hot farriers (sometimes stripped to the waist), and sexy, fit male riders (always in tight breeches and whisking a whip) and close encounters in haystacks (well okay haylofts)… And then I met all my fantasies rolled up in one (with added extras). Rupert Campbell-Black. Well, I didn’t actually meet him in person, he lives in the imagination of many young (and not so young) girls, courtesy of the wonderful author Jilly Cooper. And he lived in mine.

I was distracted (huge sigh of relief from my mum – little did she know). I absolutely loved Jilly’s bonkbusters – phew, that’s the only word. It was out with ‘my little pony’ and in with ‘my hot hunk’ (until Lord of the Rings came to the big screen and Aragorn rode in on a horse, but that’s a different story).

Anyway, fast forward a year or two (or maybe a bit more) and I still loved horses, sexy riders and a good book (the order varied). And I’d had a few erotic romances published (because I do like a hot romance), and was playing round with ideas for the next book. “I’ve noticed you often have horses in your stories,” said my lovely editor, “and the English countryside, have you ever written a bonkbuster?”

And that’s how it happened. I got to write my dream book.

And David Essex? Well I never completely forgot him, every girl likes a bad boy, and every good bonkbuster should have one…
Stable Mates is available in e-book and paperback from –

Buy links –
Amazon       Barnes & Noble      Kobo   Foyles  Waterstones  
Sainsbury’s      Google Play        iTunes    Blackwells
Stable Mates –

‘Fans of Fiona Walker will love this book’ – ThatThingSheReads

Welcome to tranquil Tippermere, an idyllic village nestled deep in the Cheshire countryside. Home to lords and ladies, horsemen and farmers, and plenty of secrets and scandals…

Leaving a scumbag ex behind her, Lottie Brinkley has hotfooted it out of Spain and back home to the country in serious need of some flirtatious fun to soothe her aching heart.

Luckily for her she’s spoilt for choice with not one but three eligible bachelors offering a steamy romp in the hay! But faced with the attentions of roguish eventer Rory Steel, the smiling Irish eyes of hunky farrier Mick O’Neal, and mysterious newcomer Tom Strachan, how can she possibly choose?

When billionaire landowner Marcus James drops dead unexpectedly, his WAGish wife Amanda threatens to sell the heart of the village and sets her sights on Tom! It seems things are heating up for little Tippermere… both in and out of the saddle.



Bestselling author Zara Stoneley lives in deepest Cheshire surrounded by horses, dogs, cats and amazing countryside. When she’s not visiting wine bars, artisan markets or admiring the scenery in her sexy high heels or green wellies, she can be found in flip flops on the beach in Barcelona, or more likely sampling the tapas!

Zara writes hot romance and bonkbusters. Her latest novel, ‘Stable Mates’, is a fun romp through the Cheshire countryside and combines some of her greatest loves – horses, dogs, hot men and strong women (and not forgetting champagne and fast cars)!

She writes for Harper Collins and Accent Press.

Find out more about Zara:
Website      Twitter        Facebook        Google+


3 Responses so far.

  1. Unknown says:

    Thank you so much for organising the tour for me. It's been great fun!

    The hosts have all been amazing - and the fab reviews have sent me to work with a smile on my face!

    Thank you again, and to all the lovely people that have taken part. And now I think I'll just go and check out my David Essex pictures...

    Zara x

  2. I have seen this tour everywhere!
    Well done, Ladies!
    Your pal,

  3. I am unfamiliar with the term 'bonkbuster', but I think I have it figured out.
    It's one of those words that sounds like what it is.

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